42 Ft Custom Craft Optimized Diving Boat. - Miami Prenájom lodí

O tejto jachte

USCG certified 42 Ft Custom Craft Optimized Diving Boat.

FEATURES: Roomy Decks, Tank Racks, a Wide Swim Step, and an Open-Sided Boarding Ladder.

ABOUT CAPTAIN & CREW: Our captain and crew are all expert shark divers. They go beyond to ensure that you have a wonderful experience.

INCLUDES: Our charter covers the journey as well as a delicious lunch.

TRIP DETAILS: We\'ll be drift diving between 60 and 100 feet on various reef lines. One of our instructors will accompany you if you lack the essential skills or expertise.

Detaily výletu

SCHEDULE: Our three-tank trip departs around 8:30 a.m. and returns about 2:30 p.m.

Nitrox is recommended for these three-tank dives. If you\'re an air diver, you can make two of the three dives to the maximum of your computer limit while seeing the action.

Sharks feed on contrast, thus you must be as stealthy as possible. This means there will be no white, yellow, pink, neon green, teal, or other colors allowed on fins, masks, or gear; black is recommended. For your protection, the shark feeder gets the last word on the color of your gear!

Make sure you\'re completely covered from head to toe. Wetsuits with full-body coverage, hoods or beanies, gloves, and wetsuit boots are necessary. Wear black socks if you dive with full-foot fins.

NOTE: Please keep in mind that you\'re in the middle of the ocean. There\'s no way of knowing what kind of sharks we\'ll encounter or how many. On a daily basis, we encounter a wide range of sharks in Jupiter. While we cannot promise that you will encounter sharks on every dive (since they are wild Pelagic creatures), it\'s possible that we won\'t see any sharks at all, even though the chances are in our favor.

We almost see a variety of sharks. Bull sharks, hammerhead sharks, tigers, lemon sharks, and other shark species have all been observed. Whale Sharks and Manta Rays have even been observed.

Jupiter\'s drift diving is unlike anything other. Even if we don\'t catch anything, floating the deep reefs off Jupiter is still a pleasure and well worth the drive. As the water is crystal blue and the current is manageable. Set your sights on this amazing diving experience with us if you\'re already certified.

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Ponúkame nasledovné zájazdy

  • Private Charter

    Let us know your requirements and we will send you the quotation accordingly!

Časté otázky

Je potrebné, aby som sa obával, že ochoriem na morskú chorobu?
Aký je rozdiel medzi súkromnou chartou a pravidelnou/zdieľanou/verejnou chartou?
Ponúkate prenájmy lodí bez posádky?
Aké informácie odo mňa potrebujete, aby ste mi poslali cenovú ponuku na prenájom lode?
Aké sú vaše platobné podmienky?
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Vyberte čas a dátum prenájmu lodí


Otázky alebo požiadavky

Vaše kontaktné údaje

Výpočet ceny

Predvolená sadzba: 800 USD

Počet osôb zahrnutých v predvolenej sadzbe: 4

Sadzba pre ďalších cestujúcich: 80 USD

Základná cena: 550 USD

Celková cena: 550 USD

Záloha 0 USD

Zostatok: 550 USD

Zatiaľ sa nevyžaduje žiadna platba!
1/ Najprv vám pošleme potvrdenie o dostupnosti lode.
2/ Ak sa rozhodnete posunúť ďalej a zarezervovať si charter, stačí kliknúť na platobný odkaz a zaplatiť malú zálohu (max 15%). Odkaz na platbu bude odoslaný s potvrdením dostupnosti.
3/ Po zaplatení zálohy dostanete veľmi podrobné potvrdenie zájazdu.

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